Saturday, 26 December 2020
Saturday, 5 December 2020
11 short excerpts from Sad Old Tatty Bunting (Feb 2022 Castles in Space)
Tuesday, 17 November 2020
Garden of Earthly Delights mix Friday 13th November
Here is my set/mix list from the recent Garden of Earthly Delights Show. Broadcast on CRMK Radio on Friday 13th November. A bit thank you to Shane for asking me to do another mix.
1 The Double Deckers - Theme from Double Deckers
2 Gary War - Highspeed Drift
3 Ivor Cutler - Darkness & The Path
4 Drew Mulholland - The Black Beacon
5 Ewen MacColl & Peggy Seeger - I Got Me Tight Black Jeans
6 Gary Bellington - Back In London (Sept Ballad)
7 Aphrodite's Child - The 4 Hoursemen
8 Blanck Mass - Chernobol
9 Monkees - Star Collector
10 Concretism - Dick and Stewart Opening Titles
11 Vashti Bunyan - Diamond Day
12 Cate le Bon - Wild
13 Concretism - Dick and Stewart- Green Fields
14 Stranglers - Yellowcake UF6
15 Dynatones - The Fife Piper
16 Bellprover - I'd Like to Lodge a Complaint
17 Sonic Boom - I Can See Light Bend
18 Sly and the Family Stone - I Want To Take You Higher
19 William D Drake - Homesweet Homestead Hideaway
Saturday, 7 November 2020
Test Transmission Archive Reel 42
After a bit of a break here we have another Test Transmission Archive Reel. Lots of electronic goodies and oddities for you this time. Roger Limb, Cerrone, Prince Rama, Simple Minds, Belbury Poly, Pjcat, Pierre Arvay, Klaus Wunderlich, John Foxx, Pink Floyd, Devine and loads more. As I always say (most of the time) not sure when the next one will be??? so until then please keep safe.
Wednesday, 4 November 2020
It’s Not What It Seems
Out on Bandcamp Friday 6th November and available for pre-order now!
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
The Quietened Dream Palace, A Year in The Country Pre-Order
Preorder 3rd November 2020. Released 17th November 2020.
Will be available at our Artifacts Shop and Bandcamp page.
The Quietened Dream Palace is an exploration of closed down cinemas, including those which have been abandoned, become derelict, reopened as something new or demolished and there is little or no trace of any more.
Features music and accompanying text on the tracks by: Grey
Frequency, Field Lines Cartographer, Keith Seatman, Pulselovers,
Sproatly Smith, The Howling (Robin The Fog of Howlround and Ken
Hollings), Folclore Impressionista, Listening Center, The Séance,
Widow’s Weeds, Handspan, The Heartwood Institute, A Year In The Country
and Vic Mars.
The Odeon/Salon Cinema Southsea
My track on The Quietened Dream Palace "Saturday Matinee" was inspired by the
very noisy and chaotic Saturday mornings I spent there.
Sunday, 18 October 2020
Six Twenty Negative. The Twelve Hour Foundation

Twelve Hour Foundation return to Castles in Space with their first new LP for
two years. A beautiful album "drawing on abstract childhood emotions
and their associated memories".

Saturday, 26 September 2020
Photoplay Devil Movies
Photoplay Film Monthly was the Empire Magazine of its day. In the 1970s we would have Photoplay delivered to our house every month. Of the 100s of issues of Photoplay my Father had, this edition, with features on The Exorcist and Zardoz is the only copy I have managed to save. Every now and then Photoplay would publish special editions. When it was announced that Photoplay would be publishing a Devil Movies Special Edition I tore along to Smiths and parted with 50p.
Thursday, 10 September 2020
The Sonik Youth Club, Braunton, Devon
Way back in Feb 2020 myself and Jim Jupp were invited to play a DJ set at The Sonik Youth Club in Braunton North Devon. Unfortunatly we all went into lockdown, and with no chance of us playing this set live we were asked by Doug to do a mix for The Sonik Youth Club on Mixcloud. Hopefully when all this is over a swift journey to Braunton might just happen...but until then put your feet up and enjoy all the The Sonik Youth Club mixes here
And now some words from and about The Sonik Youth Club.
The Sonik Youth Clubis a collection of DJ's and music enthusiasts coming together to play live DJ sets in amazing spaces. No genres, only interesting and diverse music performed by and for free thinking people. The first Sonik Youth Club was a live event at Saunton Road Studios, Braunton, Devon, 29th Feb 2020 and featured 3 live DJ sets from Doug Powell, Buko and Si Gracia. Saunton Road Studios is a great little venue, it’s not only a recording studio but it doubles up as a live venue and bar with great local beer, ideal for a small gathering of 50 or so. Perfect for the Sonik Youth Club. I’ve always wanted to put on a night were anyone could come and play anything they wanted to, not necessarily DJ’s and not a typical dance night and not even in a club setting, just a cool place where folks could listen to music that they are not usually exposed to. The first night was a great success with the promise of something a bit different from the usual night out at local pub. Buko opened the evening with a set of Psych, 60’s garage and Experimental Electronica. Doug Powell’s set was a wide-ranging mix of 60’s French Pop, Psych, Folk and Electronica. Si Gracia ending the evening with his trademark set of Jazz, Funk and House. Soon after we all went into lockdown, so Doug had to move the Sonik Youth Club online to Mixcloud. It was a shame not to able to carry on with the live events. Doug told us, but this opened up an opportunity for us to be heard worldwide and to get submissions for DJ sets and mixtapes from across the globe. We are currently up to 9 mixes and have loads more waiting in the wings to be posted.
Mixes still currently available;
Sonik Youth Club 1, Doug Powell DJ Mix
Sonik Youth Club 2, Doug Powell DJ Mix
Sonik Youth Club 3, Lee Ackland DJ Mix
Sonik Youth Club 4, Jay’s Chaos Indie Classics Mix Tape
Sonik Youth Club 5, Russ Never Sleeps Mix Tape
Sonik Youth Club 6, Alan Cook DJ Mix
Sonik Youth Club 7, Stribbs DJ Mix
Sonik Youth Club 8, Jez Stevens DJ Mix
Sonik Youth Club 9, Keith Seatman & Jim Jupp DJ Mix
Monday, 10 August 2020
Tim Smith and Cardiacs
Cardiacs over the last week or so, and thinking quite a bit about how and when
I finally really got into them. The first time I heard Cardiacs I was round a friends house, to be blunt I hated them, I had never heard anything I had hated so much in my life...they were annoying me so much. This supprised a few people as they really thought I would like them given some of the other things that I listened to (Devo, Swell Maps, Wire, Psych, Prog) It was pointed out to me that someone I knew had worked on Cardiacs Seaside Treats Video (this did not cut much ice with me) Sometime later I heard Cardiacs again and was midly irritated...but strangely not as irritated. Time went on and I would occasionally hear them being played round at friends flats. Then something strange happened, one day I found myself humming a tune, which I could not place and it would not go away. I suddenly realised it was in fact Cardiacs Is This the Life.
a brass band which was covered in dust. The audience were getting more vocal and the tension was rising, but still nothing happened then...the band played, the whole crowd started to dance, jump up and down and at certain point almost every one would sing and raise their arms in the air. The song was Big Ship and it was at that moment that every bulb in my head went on and exploded at the same time. It was fantastic, how could I have not liked this band? even the song which annoyed me a year or so before was amazing (R.E.S) I left the show a changed man. I spent the next few months catching up with all I could Cardiacs related. I realise now that liking Cardiacs might not always be an instant thing for everyone, but when it does finally hit you its like opening a treasure chest of musical wonder. I had the pleasure of meeting Tim Smith on two occasions (Cardiacs and Levitation) I was at the time working at a music venue and helped Tim and the band with their equipment. I informed Tim that I was due to go home for a few hrs but had decided to stay on so I could meet the band and maybe have a chat. Tim was charming, polite, funny and lovely, he answered all my daft questions and more, we discussed music and bands and the music business. Because of Tim Smith and Cardiacs I started to listen to William D Drake, North Sea Radio Orchestra, Kavus Torabi. Big Ship, Dirty Boy, Nurses whispering verses, watching Maresnest, Seaside Treats, Jim Plugs his bass in for 10 mins, all this has given me so much Joy. Thank you Mr Smith for creating a truly wonderful and inspiring sound. Tim Smith RIP.
Thursday, 6 August 2020
Test Transmission Archive Reel 41
Its time again for another TT archive reel. Was not expecting to do another for a while, but seemed to have a lot more time on my hands recently (new album is coming along as well) This time round from Castles in Space we have Clocolan and Dalham. From Buried Treasure Records Zyklus and Yuri Morozov. Not only but also The Glove, Bloom de Wilde, Dudley Moore, The Shaggs, Laurie Johnson, King Tubby, Stavely Makepiece, Ice T, Fad Gadget, Mr Fox, Bruce Haack, Paul Williams, Steamhammer, The United States of America, Planet Jazz, Cal Tjader and Shirley Ellis. Quite a lot there to keep you going through the last of the summer. Do not know when the next one will be. So until then Play nicely, be good and please look after yourselfs .
Wednesday, 24 June 2020
The Spectral Fields Wyrd Kalendar Mix
I only bought the CD Gather in the Mushrooms:
The British Acid Folk Underground 1968-1974 because of chapter 2 page 24.
“A new book caught my eye recently – the title A Year In The Country: Wandering Through Spectral Fields, that goes in search of the darker, eerier side of the bucolic countryside dream by looking at films of a certain genre, books, TV series, music; it is great to have this fascinating subject explored so thoroughly and brought together under one title.”
Verity Sharp, Late Junction, BBC Radio 3
has put together a massive 4 part audio accompaniment to Stephen's book. Each installment comes in at 2 hrs or just under. The mixes very skilfully follow and link to all
52 chapters in the book.
But before you do listen, visit A Year in The Country first. It is th best place to start.

The Final Spectral Fields Wyrd Kalendar Mix – An Aural Appendix to Accompany “Journeys in Otherly Pastoralism, The Further Reaches of Folk and the Parallel Worlds of Hauntology”

Thursday, 28 May 2020
test Transmission Archive Reel 40
Friday, 22 May 2020
The Isolation Tapes & Castles in Space
Castles in Space
Castles in Space brings you a stunning collection of new music recorded in isolation during the COVID19 lockdown//Released 29th May 2020//
250 submissions.
A wonderful organisation which helps nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants, both working and retired, when they’re suffering personal or financial hardship. This is often due to illness, disability, older age, domestic abuse and the impact of coronavirus.
It is sincerely hoped that you will find much to enjoy in The Isolation Tapes. It was both an absolute joy and an arduous headache to put together (in a good way). The final edit was extremely difficult and there is certainly enough stuff in the can for further releases if these volumes find some appreciation.
As ever, thanks for listening.
Stay safe and well.
Colin Morrison
Castles in Space. May 21st 2020
(registered charity no. 1160148 and SC041453).
Cavell Nurses’ Trust proudly give money and support to nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants in hardship whether they are working or retired.
If you are a healthcare professional experiencing personal or financial hardship, please contact them today at: / 01527 595999.
We discussed how one year on it is now so different, how could we have ever imagined we would be in this situation. We then discussed school discos and cheesy clubs from the late 70s and early 80s,unemployment was high but we did not care, life revolved around records and going out on a Friday or Saturday night, money until your next dole came through (I cheated I was a cleaner at the uni and claimed dole) I was 16 with money. Shouting over the music in the clubs my friends and I were going to do so much…change the world.
My optimism for the future is still there in Top Hat Disco.
The sample in the middle is from my bedroom in 1979. My mates and I were recording ourselves talking and messing about, a friend said or did something and another replied “Thats bleeding disgusting that is, thats sick, if the Kendals saw that they wouldn’t know were to turn” I have no idea who the Kendals were.
Tuesday, 28 April 2020
Readers Digest Tea and The Clash

The reason this book stopped me in my tracks was because I had not seen a copy of this book for decades. The last time I saw a copy of this book was in the summer of 1977 on a shelf round my friends house. My friend and I noticed this book one dull day in our 6 week summer break. We were both bored and could not find anything to do...until by chance
we came across Folklore myths and Legends of Britain.
As we started flicking through the book our interest grew and the boredom factor diminished. We decided It was time to make a cup of tea have a sneaky Cigarette and put the 1st Clash album on By the time the tea had been drunk and the Clash had long since had their Career Opportunities and been in Garageland. We knew about The Haunted Fens, The Haunted Moors, The meaning of some sea Shanties, The Ghost Ships of Goodwin Sands, The Old man of Storr, The Rollright Stones, customs and curses, Smugglers and Highwaymen and women. We could not get enough of these old tales and legends. More tea was made The Stranglers entertained us musically and we read more and more. One night over the summer The film Witchfinder General was on TV. We both watched it. When my friend and I met up the next day we looked up Mathew Hopkins in the book. There he was... page 248. There was no mention in our book about Hopkins being hacked to death by Ian Ogilvy. In fact according to the book Hopkins more than likely died of TB. As the summer holiday drifted on we revisited the book many more times. Deciding that we should go and visit as many of these places and investigate as many of these strange things as possible. Alas we never really visited any of the places we had read about. Traveling from one end of the country in search of Ghosts weird things and all sorts of oddness was not really possible on about 50p a week pocket money. So by early Sept as the school term loomed nearer and nearer the book was put back on the shelf and for some reason we never really looked at it again. So by just seeing this book at the school fate all those memories from that long lost summer came flooding back. I picked the book up and asked how much?????
"50p" was the reply
50p for 552 pages of Folklore Myths and legends of Britain and some amazing memories. Now I know that you can find copies of this book on ebay and Amazon...but of course they are not on there for 50p. Well I parted with 50p and went home. Made a cup of Coffee put the Clash on and started to read.
Phantasmagorical Progtronica
Each track is a mechanical box, the album a set of Russian dolls peculiarly connected but of
the same family. It makes for a sometimes uncomfortably intriguing experience.
That unease you feel? It is just around the corner.
Sunday, 29 March 2020
Test Transmission Archive Reel 39 a recent interview I did with the wonderful Mr Bob Fischer.
So thats it from me for now. Until the next one...all you please keep safe, and thankyou for listening over the years. TATA for now.
Friday, 20 March 2020
Monday, 16 March 2020
A Haunting Strip Of Marshland.
A New Soundtrack Album for NESS:
A book/film by Robert MacFarlane, Stanley Donwood and Adam Scovell.
Released By: Castles in Space- CiS053
Distributed By: Forte Distribution
Format: Heavyweight Black Vinyl & Digital Download

"In the early 2000s, I made my first boat-crossing to the untrue island of Orford Ness. ‘Untrue’ because The Ness-–as I’ve since come to call it––is a ten-mile-long shingle spit that curves south along the Suffolk coast like a bracket, joined thinly––but still joined––to the mainland at its northern end. Shaped by storm, tide and longshore drift, The Ness is startlingly dynamic. Between 1812 and 1821 alone its length shifted by nearly two miles. If you could view the Ness as an aerial stop-motion film shot over several centuries, you would see its long stone tail whipping around in the North Sea.
For Ness is a place to improvise. Ness is its own realm with its own rules.
Don’t look. Don’t tell. Don’t understand. Don’t ever remember.” "
Saturday, 14 March 2020
The Haunted Generation Interview
(BBC Radio Tees, Forteen Times)
from a few weeks back.
The Haunted Generation
Castles in Space
Sunday, 1 March 2020
Found Objects: In Search of the English Folk Song
Friday, 21 February 2020
Out Now on Castles in Space
Digi from Bandcamp
All Tracks written by
Keith Seatman
Seatman and Powell
Keith Seatman
Words and Voice
Douglas E Powell
Produced by
Keith Seatman and Jack Packer
© Keith Seatman 2019
Many Thanks to
Jim Jupp for Sleeve Notes and Audio Advice
Simon Heartfield Audio Advice
Jez Stevens for Video
Colin Morrison at Castles in Space
Nick Taylor for Artwork/Design
Antony at RedRed Paw Mastering
CiS and Keith Seatman would like to thank Spencer Robinson for
invaluable production support and Mr Bob Fisher at Electronic Sound and BBC Tees.
Cat: CiS042