Monday, 1 August 2011

Found objects and Unorthodox contraptions

Up to last week I had never heard of Origamibiro, then Adam Daly  sent me a YouTube link to this wonderful track called Quad Time. Love the use of the old Imperial Typewriter. The text here is from their YouTube post.
Imagine music and video playing a game together. And telling stories at the same time. That's what it's like to experience a performance by audio-visual collective Origamibiro.
The collaborative trio merge found objects, unorthodox contraptions, multi instrumentalism and persistence of vision to create an atmosphere both nostalgic and otherworldly.Together, musicians and producers Tom Hill and Andy Tytherleigh and video artist The Joy of Box make connections between seemingly unrelated elements and create a world that plays the scale of human emotions.With atmosphere oozing from their fingertips, it's no wonder the Dublin Fringe Festival described Origamibiro as "undoubtedly the most original offering of the fringe calendar"This promo marks the first of a new series of av works to come out of the new Origamibiro stable- The BiroBox Workshops. Originally a Nottingham based audio-visual night run by Origamibiro, the Workshops has expanded to become a working space where biro can develop new ideas, experiments and working methods to play live.New album also coming soon...


  1. You can hear an interview with Origamibiro plus live tracks in Phantom Circuit #70. How did you miss that, Keith? :-)

  2. Sorry PC. Can't believe I missed it. I am on my way there now.
    Will be back soon.
