Monday, 30 December 2024

Freak Zone Best of 2024

Was absolutly blown away and so chuffed to have been included in Stuart Maconie's Best of 2024 Freak Zone show (Dec 29th) Really did not see that coming at all. So a massive thankyou to Mr Maconie and all who bought my last CD/Digi release a skip and a song to see us along

Happy New year to you all

Monday, 16 December 2024

Electronic Sound End of year Top 100.

 A nice end of year surprise. My last self release CD/Digi made it into the Electronic Sound Mag end of year top 100. Number 14. Def did not see that coming. Hopefully new Castles in Space Album and remix single 2025. Also for your listening pleasure something from my past should make an appearence early 2025.

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Bedham Church/School Room

On a very wet cold and dark December morning myself and Mrs Seatman set out to find the old ruins of Bedham Church.  Set deep in West Sussex not far from Pulborough and Petworth Bedham Church is not that easy to find. To get to Bedham you have to head West on the A283 out of Pulborough and then look for a small sign on the right for Bedham Lane. The small track/road to Bedham Church (Bedham Lane) is narrow and very bumpy and muddy (it was very wet that day) and if approaching from the south the church is on the right. Lucky its winter and the trees are bare, if it was the summer the trees would totally obscure the church and make the task of finding it even more difficult than what it is. Once we had found the church the next problem was to find a lay by to park the car in. We managed to park about 100 yards or so from the church and then headed back down the road, and down the muddy slope to Bedham Church. Bedham Church was built in 1880 and funded by William Townley Mitford MP for Midhurst as a dual purpose Church and School House. At one time the Church/School had 60 pupils and 3 Teachers. The Church was finally abandoned in 1959. Given the remoteness of Bedham Church there is also lack of litter/rubbish and only a tiny bit of graffiti which can only be good at a lovely old place like this. If you have the time and can get to Bedham, then this old church is worth checking out.