A few of my favorite Christmas tunes. A Happy and a Merry to you all.
Friday, 22 December 2023
Sunday, 10 December 2023
End of Year Test Transmission Archive Reel 54
Its been quite a while since the last Test Transmission Archive Reel, and this is the last one for year. However for your end of year listening enjoyment we have John Dankworth, Petula Clark, Cosey Fanni Tutti, The Mistys, Hollywood Brats, Fairport Convention, Albion Christmas Band, Scorn, Bobby Krlic, Hawkwind, The British Stereo Collective and all sorts of other musical oddities and wonders. So until the next time, Have a Happy and a Merry. All the best and Happy New Year to you all.
Friday, 27 October 2023
I have the occasional memory flashes of watching this program but could never be 100% sure or if I had just imagined the whole thing. After much searching (typed Zokko into Google) I have found a few bits and images relating to it. Zokko did exist and was a kids tv series that ran from 1968 to 1970. Strangely the first series used to be repeated on Wednesday afternoons, but the 2nd series never was. It was devised by children's TV producer Molly Cox and Paul Ciani. It featured animations, music hall jokes, narrated comic strips fast zany humour, variety acts and a sic-fi serial called Skayn. This was all linked up by a Pinball machine who served as the programs presenter.
By the 2nd series The pinball machine was gone and replaced by bubbling tubes of liquid, but the voice remained the same. The Zokko Pinball machine was designed by Mike Ellis (Father of Blue Peter Present Janet Ellis) the voice of the Pinball was created by the Radiophonic Workshop’s Brian Hodgson. It would seem that only two episodes from the 2nd series are all that remains of Zokko (BFI Archive) For a lot more in depth info on Zokko go to The Curious British Telly site.
New series
All for fun! Fun for all! Tar-rah! Zokko! is back - your own, your very
own electronic comic!
The old favourites return with some new ones as well... There's Skayn,
the space-hero, in an exciting serial; plenty of jokes; a weekly Walt
Disney choice; and a brand-new music machine, the like of which has
never been seen before.
Featured this week on the flying trapeze The Sisters Inaros; Skayn and
the Moon People: with the voices of Sheelagh McGrath, Gordon Clude,
Anthony Jackson, and pictures by Leslie Caswell.
Zokko! music by Brian Fahey. Animation by Ted Lewis.
Devised and produced by Paul Ciani and Molly Cox.
(BBC recording)
Syncing Not Swimming 17th Feb 2024
Syncing Not Swimming 3.0
An evening of live electronic music with
Keith Seatman, Kieran Mahon, Simon Heartfield
and The Burning Trestle.
Have not played live for about 8 years.
Maybe its right to be nervous now, with still 4 months to go.
Saturday, 16 September 2023
Some new tunes on Soundcloud
Over the Summer I completed 3 new tunes. These new tunes now on Soundcloud.
No plans at present to release (if at all/ever)
For the Causeway Turn
Jessica Being Silly
Lady Dunford's Impersonator
Monday, 21 August 2023
Test Transmission Archive Reel 53
Hi All. Its been quite some time since my last Test Transmission mix and a lot has gone on since then. My new EP Disjointed Oddities Vol 2 has been released and I have a new album on Castles in Space due for release in 2024. Have put together a Mix for Kate B over at Dark Train and have a live session for Zadagan Keep on Tak Tent Radio. So here we are with a new mix and what do I have for you all this time round? For your audio delight we have
Godley and Creme - Jack Harris (Butcher)
Crass - Sentiment
Warrington Runcorn - Rocksavage
Alex Harvey Band - Faith Healer
Andy Partridge - 10 Power (Rogue)
The Twelve Hour Foundation - Mole Cricket
Keith Mansfield - Teenage Villain
Bonzo Dog Doo Da Band - The Intro and The Outro
Flying Lizards - Summertime Blues
Alien Sex Fiend - Ignore the Machine
Howlround - Paper Phantom
Lo Five - The Performance of Adulthood
Sandra Kerr & John Faulkner - The Old Woman Tossed Up In A Basket
The Shangri-las - Out In The Streets
Klara Lewis - Sell Art
John Baker - Man Alive UFO
Belbury Poly - Pixie-Led
Perrey and Kingsley - Winchester Cathedrel
Mount Vernon Arts Lab - Flames
Oloron - Shadow Pass and Air Move
Having less and less time to put these mixes together so really not sure when the next mix will be, so until then (who knows if and when) tata.
Thursday, 3 August 2023
Some mentions over at The Haunted Generation
Over the last few years I have been interviewed and have chatted with Bob Fischer a number of times for Electronic Sound Magazine and Bob's superb Haunted Generation site. Bob is a wonderful chap and I always really enjoy chatting with him. So with all that in mind here are some links to Bob's Haunted Generation site and some of the chats and bits and bobs and mentions about myself and my past.
Sunday, 23 July 2023
Telly Savalas looks at UK Cities
In 1981 the British Film Producer Harold Baim made 3 documentry films about British Cities (Birmingham, Aberdeen and Portsmouth) all narrated by the actor Telly (Kojak) Savalas. Originally there were supposed to have been 11 of these short films, but only 3 were ever made. When asked why Telly Savalas?? Baim replied "its a marketing ploy" Baim's short films known as Quota Quickies were originally made for distribution with United Artists films/ features which enabled UA to meet the legal requirements for the minimum number of UK-made productions shown at the cinema. Being as I come from Portsmouth I do find this film quite intriguing and entertainingly quirky. As Telly says "a time capsule of life in Toooder England" "So long Portsmouth..here's looking at you" he also said "here's looking at you" at the end of Aberdeen and Birmingham so I suspect another Telly catch phrase was in the making there. Old Telly had lots of catch phrases thanks to his character in Kojak "Who loves ya, baby?" and "Cootchie-coo!" "here's looking at you".
Telly Savalas Looks at Aberdeen
Monday, 10 July 2023
Released Today. Disjointed Oddities and Other Such Things Vol:2 CD and Digi
on Stuart Maconie's Freak Zone on 6 Music and has had a 4 star review in Shindig magazine 141
This new remix is by Portsmouth musician and DJ Simon Heartfield. The original version can be heard on the 2022 Castles in Space Album Sad Old Tatty Bunting CiS093.
Sunday, 16 April 2023
Test Transmission Archive Reel 52
Its been quite a while since my last Test Transmission. You might notice
that a lot of my previous Test Transmission mixes are no longer here.
Have had to Archive them as I am only on the freebee mixcloud. This time
round for your springtime audio delight we have
Spike Milligan - The Q5 Piano Tune
Diane and the Javlins - Who's the Girl
Arther Browns Kingdom Come - Time Captives
Yello - The Evening's Young
Quimper - Happy Borders
Yuri Morozov - Machine Dancing
Kid Moxie - No Island
ATV - The Radio Story
Focus Group - The Elektrik Karousell
Gaslight Troubadours Ft fey Pink - Psychedelic Freakshow (Featuring Fey Pink)
BMH - Sea Pipes & Shanties
The Unthanks - The Scarecrow Knows
Sonic Youth - Providence
Frogman - Out in the fields yesterday
Bebe and Louis Barron - Main_Titles Overture
Sam Spence - Wie ein blitz
de-Sylva & Paddy Kingsland - Gollum
Terry Riley & John Cale - Church of Anthrax
Play School - Play on
Don't seem to have the
time these days to do as many of these as I would like. So until the
next one its a big old goodbye from me. All be good now.
Monday, 10 April 2023
Disjointed Oddities and Other Such Things EP. Vol:2. July 10th 2023
Due for release July 10th 2023. Disjointed Oddities and Other Such Things Vol: 2 follows on from Keith’s 2018 EP Disjointed Oddities and Other Such Things. This is the 3rd EP by Keith Seatman and his 1st non-Castles in Space release since 2018. Castles in Space will be releasing a new LP from Keith at a later date. However in the meantime this EP is a collection of 5 tunes by Keith featuring more of his Clunky Odd Electronics, Psych, Radiophonics, Drone and quirky melodies. Track 5 is a Remix of the 2022 album track The Grand Alchemists Parade, This new remix is by Portsmouth musician and DJ Simon Heartfield. The original version can be heard on the 2022 Castles in Space Album Sad Old Tatty Bunting CiS093.
Tuesday, 14 March 2023
Through the Rainbow Books 68/80
Through The Rainbow books, one from 1968 and the other from 1980 both the same, well sort of. Only 12 years separates these books. And yet the images from 1968 might as well be from the 1950s. Sadly I do remember having a 1950s style teacher who did look very much like the woman in these pictures from 1968. The reason I say sadly is because I remember her with fear.........not a day went passed without a large wooden chalk board erasure or heavy book being hurled at a member of the class by her. Another particular fav was if it was raining she would make you stand outside without a coat because "if you are lucky it will wash your naughtiness away" another specialty of hers was to creep up behind you and punch (and I mean punch not slap) you on the back of your head if you were talking. I lived not far from this teacher, and everyday would see her on the way to School, where she would always smile and say good morning, and all the parents thought she was a lovely and wonderful person, but us kids in our tatty snorkel parka's knew better. On the plus side a few years later there was a rather nice chap/teacher who wore a dark green crushed velvet jacket which had leather pads on the elbows. He also had big hair a centre parting and round Lennon glasses. He would start the day by asking everyone how they were? and on a Friday morning the question would always be "who watched Top of the Pops last night?" So not all bad as it turned out. But I digress...........Through the Rainbow, a lovely series of books from a time when things where maybe not so Rainbow (apart from the TV series of course)
Tuesday, 24 January 2023
27th January 2023, 12inch Extended and Instrumental Burial at Bevill's Leam
Burial at Bevill’s Leam
Extended and Instrumental Versions
of Seatman and Powell track from
CiS093 - 'Sad Old Tatty Bunting’
Format: 12” Red Vinyl / Download
Released: 27th January, 2023
Catalogue Number CiS137
Available From
Distributor: state51

When recording the album “Sad Old Tatty Bunting”, I decided it needed a spoken word track. I wanted to mix this in the style of The Velvet Underground track, 'The Gift', with the vocals hard panned to the left and music to the right. I approached singer/songwriter Douglas E Powell and asked him if he would be interested in writing a short story for this purpose. Doug came back to me sometime later with a 13/14 minute tale about ancient giant crabs and a burial at a place called 'Bevill’s Leam'.
I loved the story, however it was too long, way too long. There was only about 7 minutes spare for the last track on the album. So Doug went back to work on it and presented me with a shortened version. The voice was recorded and mixed, hard panning left and right.
“Sad Old Tatty Bunting” was released on Castles in Space in Feb 2022.
In the Spring of 2022 I started thinking about the full version of 'Bevill’s Leam', and started to think that we should revisit the track in order to record and release the long version using Doug’s full text as originally planned.
I told my label, Castles in Space that I wanted to do the 12” in the style of a DIY white label. We agreed on no cover artwork and only a white sleeve with an A5 paper insert. Taking inspiration from Public Image’s “Metal Box” a red typewriter font was chosen for all the text. Morrison at CiS proposed a red vinyl pressing because he’s like that.
So, with all the label details worked out, the last remaining problem we had was that Doug no longer had the original full story! So in double quick time he set to work and re-wrote and re-recorded the whole thing. It turned out Longer, darker and better.
Myself and long time friend and producer Jack Packer set to work remixing the new version of 'Bevill’s Leam'. Some new tracks were laid down with additional sounds and effects and then Doug’s new extended vocal (sounding amazing) was sewn into the mix.
This new version of the track is very different from the album version, having a fuller sound and sharper clarity. Doug’s vocal was perfect, and the new musical additions created a more balanced and atmospheric feel. The B side instrumental version was slightly extended, and again some new sounds and effects added.
So there you have it…the full story of Burial at Bevill’s Leam in glorious hand numbered, red 12" 45rpm format.